Nerds mit Verstand, Motivation & Herz. Unser Ziel – Mit Software neue Welten erschließen. Wir übersetzen Ihre Anforderungen in skalierbare Innovation.


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Web App / Mobile App
Platform / Marketing
Product modules

What is Parkobility?

Parkobility is the innovative answer to one of the most common problems travelers face – finding a safe and affordable parking space near airports in the US. This user-friendly platform revolutionizes airport parking with a simple and efficient solution.

With Parkobility, finding a parking space is child’s play. Users simply enter their destination airport and the desired time period for parking. In no time at all, the system presents a selection of available parking providers. These suggestions are clearly sorted according to criteria such as distance to the airport and price, which makes comparison and decision-making much easier.

What makes Parkobility special is the ability to compare the various offers at your leisure. This allows users to choose not only the cheapest offer, but also the one that best suits their needs. The selected parking space can then be easily booked or reserved with just a few clicks.

The platform stands out for its user-friendliness and efficiency, making it the ideal choice for travelers looking for a stress-free solution to their airport parking problem. Parkobility is not just a parking broker – it is a guarantee for a carefree start to your vacation or business trip.

What is the current situation?

Parkobility has become an indispensable tool for travelers in the USA. Both the web and mobile app, developed with modern technologies such as NestJS, Angular and Flutter, are now online and enjoy thousands of users every month. This impressive user base confirms that Parkobility is a sought-after solution in the airport parking sector.

Last year’s relaunch made a significant contribution to increasing user-friendliness and improving the platform’s accuracy. This is clearly noticeable in daily use: The interfaces are more intuitive, navigation is smoother and the booking process is smoother than ever before. These optimizations have made Parkobility a reliable and convenient service for anyone looking for a parking space near US airports.

The future looks bright for Parkobility as we continue to improve and expand our service to meet the ever-changing needs of our users. Parkobility is more than just an app – it’s the solution that makes traveling easier.

// Travel more relaxed

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