Nerds mit Verstand, Motivation & Herz. Unser Ziel – Mit Software neue Welten erschließen. Wir übersetzen Ihre Anforderungen in skalierbare Innovation.


Gruppenfoto eines Softwareunternehmens


Auf dem Dahlacker 8, 44807 Bochum

0234 497 014 47

Product building blocks

Discover our module library and optimise your software development

More than 100 companies trust Platri IT.

// Agile, customised & solution-oriented

Your benefits with Platri IT product building blocks

We are your partner for customised software development. With our comprehensive module library, we offer you the opportunity to make your software projects more efficient and cost-effective. Our modular concept makes it possible to integrate individual features or entire functional areas as required.

Efficiency and cost savings:
Our software solutions save time and costs in development. With our module library, you can bring your project to market faster and reduce testing and maintenance costs.
Security and compliance:
The security of software and data is a top priority, so modern IT companies integrate security and compliance checks into the development process right from the start.
Qualität und Zukunftssicherheit:
Our solutions are tried, tested and optimised. They adapt to your requirements, are flexible and offer long-term investment security. Seamless integration increases compatibility.

Our product building blocks overview

By using our modules, you benefit from time and cost efficiency. Your software always remains up-to-date and secure thanks to regular updates and maintenance. We guarantee reliability and offer seamless integration into new projects. Your investment is secured for the long term.

// Individual software development advantages

Why Platri IT?


Featured case studies


Please get in touch with us

You can reach us from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 5:30 pm. We look forward to hear from you!

Our adress

Auf dem Dahlacker 8, 44807 Bochum



0234 497 014 47

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