Nerds mit Verstand, Motivation & Herz. Unser Ziel – Mit Software neue Welten erschließen. Wir übersetzen Ihre Anforderungen in skalierbare Innovation.


Gruppenfoto eines Softwareunternehmens


Auf dem Dahlacker 8, 44807 Bochum

0234 497 014 47

App development agency

Professional app development agency for iOS, Android & Web

We develop together with you. Our app agency assists in creating impressive apps in the shortest time possible, optimizing business processes, reflecting your brand, and showcasing the company in the best possible way.

More than 100 companies trust Platri IT.

// Agile, customised & solution-oriented

Get an app developed

Do you have initial ideas, a concept in place, are you in the midst of the development phase, or do you already have an existing app? If you want to have a custom app developed, we are the right partner for you.


The languages we speak

Every application is individual and unique. That’s why our app developers discuss which technologies we will use with you before each project.

Web applications such as online platforms can be developed using Angular, for example. Mobile apps, on the other hand, are programmed with Flutter. These must be aligned with the respective operating system (i.e. Android or iOS). We identify which technology is best suited to your project.


App development in 5 steps

Our expertise

// Benefits

Why choose Platri IT for your app development?


Featured case studies

Our services as an app development agency

When developing app applications, we adapt to your individual needs. We provide you with comprehensive advice, and you then determine the full range of app programming services yourself. If you have further ideas, we can add new functions to your product at any time.

Whether cross, native, complex or hybrid apps – we develop intelligent solutions that are suitable for all users. We guarantee quick access to specific data, saving you a lot of time.

Our expertise:

  • iOS & Android
  • Web-Apps
  • UI / UX Design
  • Gaming Apps
  • Marketing
  • Enterprise mobile Apps
  • Social Networks
  • Mobile Messengers
  • VR & AR Apps
  • And many more
// how we work

Our development methods

Our software agency focuses on personalised strategies to achieve excellent results:

Scrum approach – and Kanban methods
Agile development methods such as Scrum and Kanban let us react quickly to changing requirements and continually optimise product development.
Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
The use of CI/CD pipelines makes the automated provision of software easier, speeding up the market launch of new functions and ensuring continuous quality control.
Design Thinking
Design thinking places the needs and perspectives of users at the centre of product development and enables the creation of intuitive and user-friendly products.
Lean Development
Lean development principles aim to reduce waste and maximise value flow, allowing companies to work more effectively and concentrate on developing features that provide real value to customers.
Domain Driven Design (DDD)
DDD focuses on modelling software around the core functionalities and business areas (domains) and uses the concept of "domain story telling" to communicate and develop requirements and connections within the domains.
Service oriented architecture (SoA)
Modern IT companies rely on SoA to split software into independent services, which promotes scalability, maintainability and flexibility.
Collaborative culture
A collaborative culture encourages cooperation between development and other areas to guarantee effective and efficient product development.
Security and compliance
The security of software and data is a top priority, so modern IT companies integrate security and compliance checks into the development process right from the start.

How do we develop apps?

App programming always starts with an idea for us. This often raises questions such as: What problem should the app be able to solve? What is the Unique Selling Point (USP) of the idea? What features should the app have and how should it look? Open questions are thoroughly discussed and worked out in preliminary discussions and workshops with our clients. If you are looking for an iOS and Android agency, or even Flutter, Ionic, or Xamarin, then Platri IT is the right choice for you.

After clarifying all essential questions and creating a basic concept, we start with the app development, utilizing current technologies and programming languages. Throughout the programming phase, from initiation to completion and approval, you will always be involved, so you can review the progress and make suggestions at any time. Once the app development is completed, we also offer support, if desired, with updates, changes, marketing, and continuous support.

App development costs

The costs of app development depend on various factors such as the complexity of the app, desired functionality, design, platform, and backend integration. These factors determine how much time and resources are needed to develop the app.

If you need a simple app that is limited to a single function, it can be developed for as little as €5,000 to €10,000. Such an app could, for example, be a small game or a simple informational app.

However, if you need an app with wider functionality that also requires a backend to enable data management and analysis, this will come at a higher cost. A fully functional app with a backend can cost between €50,000 and €100,000.

In addition, the app development costs for maintenance, updates and technical support must also be taken into account to guarantee that the app functions effectively and safely once development is complete. These are ongoing costs that are usually charged by the app development agency.

It is always important to remember that the exact cost of developing an app varies from project to project. An accurate cost estimation requires a detailed analysis of the requirements and functions that are to be integrated into the app. Therefore, the app development agency usually has a consultation with the customer beforehand to determine the exact requirements of the app and to create a realistic cost estimate.

It can therefore be said that the cost of developing an app depends heavily on the complexity and functions of the app. A simple app can be developed for as little as €5,000, while a fully functional app with a backend can cost up to €100,000 or even more. To get a concrete app cost estimate, please contact our app development agency. The consultation is non-binding and free of charge for you.

// FAQ

Frequently asked questions on app development

What kind of app do I need?
  • Do I need a mobile app, meaning should the application be installed and used on a mobile device (smartphone, tablet, etc.)?
  • Or do I need a web app that allows the application to be used via a web browser on any end device without prior installation?
  • Do I need a native app, which means an app that is primarily designed & optimised for a specific operating system (i.e. Android or iOs)?
  • Or do I need a hybrid app, that is a mobile application with less complexity but developed for many operating systems?

If you don't yet know what you need for an app, let us provide you with free consultation.

Do you already know what you need?
  • You already have experience and have had several apps developed. Then you know what it's all about and we can exchange ideas right away!
  • You have no such previous experience, but you are fully informed. Then you have an idea of what you want and can communicate this with us!
  • You only have a rough idea so far, but no idea how this idea could be realised. Then we can help you realise this idea and create a clear structure from a rough concept!
  • None of these cases apply to you? No problem, we will find a fitting solution for you!

Have you already developed a concept and know what you need? Then contact us and we will work with you to find the right solution!

How long does it take to develop an app?

This cannot be said in general since each app development involves a different amount of effort and therefore also a different amount of time. Simple apps can be completed in just a few weeks or months, while more elaborate apps can take several years to develop. We always draw up a schedule with you in advance so that you can estimate when your app will be online and functional.

What do I need to be aware of when developing an app?

The development of an app is very complex and should therefore be carried out by professionals. For this reason it is important to pay attention to who you have an app created by, what references the company has and how closely you can work with the developers.

How complex is app development?

As every app development project is different, it is not possible to give a generalised estimate in advance. However, we have built processes into the collaboration that ensure that you know what you are getting into at all times in order for you to be able to assess whether the investment in an app project is worthwhile for you.

How does app development process take place?

The app development process is different for every app developer. It usually starts with an analysis of the scope, followed by the creation of early prototypes and only after that does app development begin. However, the term app development also refers to the entire process around it and not just the final programming.

Can you learn to develop an app?

Yes, you can learn to develop an app. But to be able to implement it perfectly in the end, you need many years of experience and expertise. It is therefore recommended to turn to professional app developers with your project. For very small apps, you can find a number of tools online that can be used to develop apps. These are usually quite limited and are only suitable for less complex applications.

Can you develop apps yourself?

In theory, anyone can develop their own apps. In practice, however, it is almost impossible to develop an app without prior technical knowledge. In order to reach a professional and high-quality result, you should turn to skilled app developers.

In what programming languages are apps developed?

There are a large number of programming languages for app development. That being said, the most common technologies and languages are Java and Kotlin for Android and Swift or Objective-C for iOS. In the area of web applications, there is an even greater choice with Javascript or frameworks based on Javascript. You can find an overview of some technologies, languages and topics here.

If you are looking for an Android, iOS, Flutter, Ionic or Xamarin agency, Platri IT is the right place for you.

Is it worth it to have an app programmed?

Admittedly, an app is always accompanied by effort and costs. But both can be kept within reasonable limits so that everyone can afford an app. It definitely makes sense!

How do I build an app for free?

Nowadays, there are actually quite a few tools that you can use to develop your own apps for free. However, these apps are rarely customisable and offer very few options compared to proper app development.

Can you study app development?

Degree programmes with the title "App Development" are relatively rare, but do exist. More common are degree programmes in the field of computer science with a focus on software or app development. There are also training programmes on the subject of "application development".

What is possible with app development?

The technologies available for app development are seemingly endless. There is almost no idea that cannot be realised.


Please get in touch with us

You can reach us from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 5:30 pm. We look forward to hear from you!

Our Adress

Auf dem Dahlacker 8, 44807 Bochum



0234 497 014 47

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